This is an online notepad that may eventually build up to be a resource of value but at this time is just a place for me to pose myself questions or set goals for myself. If you know the answers or have something to add, I would think that was cool.
Why would I do this online?
There are a couple of reasons I chose to let this live draft be public as I could have noindexed the site and just kept it as a private concept site or just put a password on the site and called it a day.
- I’ve been an affiliate marketer for over a decade, so when I like something and talk about I know there is a chance I can get a small referral bonus, why waste the chance?
- For some of my “goal” concepts, I can include others in on my progress, which can either hold me accountable or allow direct collaboration
- Much of what I place in here, I pose as a question and then look into answers, the process of learning the answer is what helps me retain and further increase my greater understanding — so when others find these questions they may point how very wrong I am or help assist in learning the answer, either way I have gained by making it public
- Sometimes there are issues or concepts that are popular and I would like to throw my opinion into the mix too – this resource will be here for me to use for that without having to worry about long term impact like I would with a “normal” site.
I do want to see if I can find a way to either foster community or make income from this while simply doing exactly what I want and seeing what happens, so there will be affiliate links, there may be referral programs, there may even be products or sales eventually, I do a lot of entrepreneurial activities but nothing connects them together.
The concept of the site is to just put up drafts as soon as I have a question or idea, I wont publish the draft without a picture or two and a few sentences of notes. As I research the idea or slow down long enough to write it out, I will expand and polish the article or post. Finally, I will polish it up, maybe “SEO” it (as clients like to say) and share it as finished across any of my relevant feeds. I expect many concepts wont ever get finished and I would like to put social counters, patreon or comments in place to see if I can get audience participation to show me what should be improved upon, maybe all of the above.
There will be UI additions that will show people who randomly fall into the site that the post they are reading is unfinished and direct them to not take the content as accurate yet or allow for an alert when the article or problem is marked solved.
General Breakdown:
A category that is devoted to cataloging and commenting on books I read and courses I take. Mostly just a log, and is the least important part of the site and will be the least likely to get much attention. The perfect end result would have a picture of the book I took, proving that I’m not just trying to sell books on amazon (the commission would be tiny and not worth my time) and as a way to help catalog my rather large collection. I would include notes and links to places to buy the book from. What would be excellent is if people saw and shared my reading habits and made great recommendations or thought certain books were conversation starters and commented and started a conversation. I take online courses and would catalog them in this section and maybe have live notes that may lead into bigger pages or concepts later.
I log my workouts in a custom google sheet, Ill output some graphs or benchmarks for myself. I’m not anyone’s model for training, so this will just be a documentation for myself.
The subcategory of diet I may use for any experiments I try such as cutting out food items or ITF or simply documenting what I find interesting and want an easy place to find again.
A place for deeper thoughts, or not so deep thoughts in meme form or for just saving other peoples deep thoughts.
Right now, this is the most interesting part of the site for me as I am doing a lot of experimenting and trading. I’ve been very successful and learned some hard lessons. I think I can put together some good beginner and intermediate resources here and it’s also a place to get legitimate referral income as nearly all tools I use have some sort of referral system and since I use screenshots often I think it’s clear that I actually support the products or am speaking as a user (as may opinion may sour on something over time)
This is more of a bookmark, cataloging area. I do not believe I will share much of my own art although I have a concept brewing that could trickle into here before actual launch.
An unique area
I have ways to send notes and images to the site from my phone or browser, Ill send it in here and maybe sort out later. Wont make much sense to poke around in there.
Business research or concepts for diversifying my income streams with “fun” models like retail arbitrage, arbitrage in general, returns liquidation, motorcycle flipping etc. This is why there may be a shop on the site at some point as I could end up holding lots of auction products or providing alternate showcases to others and this may be an alternate method to access that product for those in the know. This is an arena where I have legitimate expertise and proven long range success but outside of online strategies I dont know how unqiue the knowledge is, it generally comes down to execution and stubbornness (hence the goal setting website theme)
Big Ideas:
This is the real purpose of the site, I have a few concepts I consider very worth my time for either personal fulfillment, the general good of all and/or profit opportunities. I will use this section to keep myself moving along in the creation of these concepts and look for partners and supporters for the concepts.
Draft – 80%
(eventually, the website will have logic that displays different templates or warnings based on tags I enter, that may be percent complete or a draft/finished/updated concept)